Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Heart My Hubby

Today, is my 2nd Wedding Anniversary!!! Jared and I kept it pretty low key with a candlelit BBQ in the back yard. It couldn't have been more perfect and simple..an absolute beautiful evening and one I know I will remember for a long time.

I know it sounds cliché but of course, I can’t help but think of all the reasons I love my hubby. Here are a few:

1. He never gets tired of picking up my hair ties I randomly leave around the house.
2. He makes me feel like I am the most beautiful girl he has ever seen (but isn’t afraid to go tell me to shave my legs when I need to.)
3. He is even goofier than I am & his yodeling makes me want to pee my pants in laughter.
4. He needs to cuddle for at least 30 minutes a day.
5. He lets me know when I am being disrespectful or mean spirited.
6. Even if it is just breakfast for dinner, he absolutely loves it when I cook and has never said one critical remark (not even when I once used a spaghetti sauce that tasted like vomit...true story!).
7. He always asks these deep, probing questions about stuff I never know about right before we go to bed. Although at times exasperating, I love that curiosity he has about life. He is always looking at things in a way I forget to.
8. I can leave for work with a ton of laundry to do and I will come home and not only is it done and put away but he has also cleaned the kitchen and our bedroom. Most importantly, he doesn’t keep score or use that against me.
9. His creativity, style, and determination make him the best photographer I have ever seen.
10. No matter what we do, we both agree that it is best when we do it together.
11. His adventurous spirit. From snowboarding and roller coasters, to trying new food and living on the East Side, Jared has taken my hand and opened my eyes to a world of new experiences and wonderful memories.
12. He’ll be the best dad imaginable.
13. He commonly mistakes me for a ninja, and likes to think he can karate chop me or wrestle me to the ground when we are outside.
14. He constantly reminds me of the simplicity of what it means to be a Christian when I spend too much time trying to complicate things.
15. He covers me and prays over us every night before we fall asleep.
16. He has an honest desire to become the man and husband that God wants him to be. He leads me in the ways of the Lord and demonstrates Christ’s love for the Church.
17. I know that our marriage is the most important thing to him in this world.
18. He surprised me and took me to the ballet…and actually enjoyed it.
19. When we are riding our bikes home from church and my legs get too tired on the hills, he will come alongside me and push my seat so I can make it.
20. When I think of everything Jared is to me…my better half, my encourager, my champion, …best friend is the one I cherish the most.
He is the companion of my heart through everything life brings.

(Okay, I didn’t come up with that last line. It’s off the card I gave him, but I couldn’t have been said any better =)

Jared…I am so blessed and humbled that I am the gal that gets to be your wife. A life with you is more than I could have ever imagined. I love you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I’m at 30,000 feet above the ground as I write this. A canopy of perfectly white clouds are right outside my airplane window and they look so soft it seems I could almost reach out and grab a handful of their fluffiness without it disintegrating between my fingertips. My iPod is playing one of my favorite songs. It is strangely both calming and moody and I find myself settling against my seat in quiet reflection, my thoughts drifting over the past few weeks.

I’m on my way home after spending five weeks at Keesler AFB, Mississippi for some military training. Overall, it was a great experience and God blessed me with some really great Christian women to hang out with. It felt so good to be back on an active duty base and to be reminded of the role I serve in the US military. I’m so glad to be able to wear the uniform and to belong to a strong heritage of those that have served, are serving, or will serve.

I’m not going to stand on my patriotic soapbox as I strongly believe that our country could use a lot of redirection but for me, I sometimes downplay or forget what a large part the military has played in making me the person I am today. It has taken me across the world, introduced me to people I will never forget, forced me to view the world and my life in a different light, and it even brought me to my husband.

Most importantly, God has used the military to draw me close to Him in a way I didn’t know was possible. I’m only 24, but since I enlisted in 2001, these past 7 years have been an adventure I thank God for and would never take back, not even for a second. How was I to know the amazing journeys God would take me down? I’m so humbled by this thought, so thankful that God allowed me to experience this. There have been some bruises and cut knees along the way but there have also been some of the most glorious moments where my Savior has picked me up, mended my wounds with His love and helped me stand more firmly in whom I am IN Him. A priceless gift and one I don’t deserve.

When I graduated high school, my mom gave me “Oh, the Places You Will Go” by Dr. Suess. I think back on that book now and my heart is so full. I’m realizing it’s not about the physical places I’ve visited or will visit. It all goes back to God and the intangible/indescribable moments He takes us in our lives; our hand in His, in this beautiful journey of self-exploration and a relationship defined by perfect trust……

I can see mountain tops start to poke their peaks through the clouds and I know I am almost home. I can’t wait to be back with my hubby. But for now, I am content up here in the never-ending sky, just me and my thoughts.

Oh, the places we will go. The marvelous and wondrous places…