Sunday, July 27, 2008

Religion vs The Gospel: Part 1

Religion. Even the sight of the word makes my skin crawl with a shudder. While most people unknowingly use it as a common label for people who have a belief in God, it is in fact, a word that has a deeply dangerous connotation.

A couple of weeks ago, I was blessed to be able to attend Grace Church in San Luis Obispo, CA with my in-laws Joella & Jeremy. The topic of the sermon was one that I found quite pertinent in today's world view and would like to share with whomever stumbles across this blog.

(Galations 5:1-12)


1. Religion renders Christ of no benefit (v2)
Religion is self-centered in its focus.

2. Religion obligates us to perfect obedience (v3)
The problem is, we can't!

3. Religion cuts us off from Christ and God's grace (v4)
God does not accept us because we obey. He accepts us only through His Grace & Son.

4. Religion is not obeying the truth (v7)
The gospel is clear that it is not by works, but by grace through faith that we are saved.

5. Religion is not from God (v8)
It removes the faith element.

6. Religion spreads like leaven (v9)
It spurs pride, judgement, self-reliance & anything we, as Christians, try to add to our "to-do" lists. This can seem harmless at first (ie: habitually reading our Bible, attending church, etc) but a wrong attitude can quickly turn our walk into religion.

7. Religion exposes us to God's judgement (v10)
It severes the relationship aspect and turns it into a self-seeking list.

8. Religion abolishes the stumbling block of the cross (v11)
Sometimes the simplicity of faith is too much for people to overcome.

In contrast, the Bible tells of the genuine truth of God's desire for His people:


1. Upward: Faith in the Gospel frees us to wait expectantly for righteousness (v5)
We hope by faith. We are not depending on the burden of ourselves and the drudgery of keeping the law. We are no longer consumed with rule following.

2. Outward: Faith in the Gospel frees us to love others (v6)
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Love is the fruit of faith...the outward demonstration.

I have to pause here. When I was listening to this sermon I was both deeply amazed and convicted by the truth that was being presented to me. I will admit, it is really easy for me to be the kind of person who makes "lists." I like to be looked at as a "good" Christian and secretly, it can be pretty easy for me to point out what doesn't look so "good" in other people. I recall these times and I realize just how religious I was being. I wanted my gold star, and in doing so probably pushed a lot of people out of my way. People that probably needed to be shown love.

This is the danger of being religious. It takes the Gospel which is so lovingly outward with its focus and turns it into a selfish perspective of duty. I'm pretty sure most Christians don't intend for it to happen, but then, like a bad habit, it creeps back into our life and sucks the living right out of us.

I wonder how many people have suffered at the hands of "religion"? It fascinates me, as well as makes me terribly sad, to think that most people equate the Bible & Christians with religion. I just pray that I can do my part and let people know that God is so much bigger than their misconceptions.