Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Praying for Answers

An important lesson I have been learning...

God does not solely demonstrate his love to us by only answering our prayers with a "Yes."

But rather, His love is much more confirmed to us as He SUSTAINS us through the process.

In my one of my earlier posts, I mentioned I have a lot of family and friends waiting on some answers to prayers. It hasn't made me doubt God, but it has made me question why He seems to answer the prayers of some believers over others.

I'm reading this great book entitled, "Get Off Your Knees and Pray" by Sheila Walsh and studying Ephesians in my quiet time.

I realize that God's ways are higher than our own and that God CANNOT act outside of love because He IS love. I know this but sometimes I just need that reminder from the Word. Times can be confusing and our perspective can be skewed in our pain and doubt.

I love how Sheila Walsh puts it:

"If the whole point of our lives is to become more like Christ and be a conduit for the love of God, then we will be given different paths to take-which may or may not correlate to our prayers. Some paths seem more attractive than others, but no one really knows the burden another carries. What I am convinced of is that God loves his children. I don't know why he answers one woman's prayers one way and another woman's prayers differently, only that he has a reason for it.

A quote from Gore Vidal: "Whenever a friend succeeds, a little something in me dies."

One of the ways we can measure whether we are at peace in the love of God is by asking ourselves whether we fall into Gore Vidal's camp (unable to celebrate Christ shining through another's life) or whether we are able to recognize God's wisdom as he lovingly hand-packs each [jar of clay] himself. Because only when we can do that...when we can accept his hand working differently in your life as opposed to mine, answering each prayer in his own time and understanding...can we truly be at peace with God."

Wow. This really humbled me. So many times I get caught in thinking it is all about me or you. "Why don't you heal her God? Why don't you give her a baby?" I mean I am not asking for things that are selfish (babies & healing are all good things) but then I realize it is my PERSPECTIVE that is selfish. I am here for God's purpose and whatever path he has me on is for his glory. Do I always understand that? No.

But that is where God comes in as my sustainer. He is far more interested in showing us his love by being WITH us. I find great hope in that and suddenly the big open ended questions of "Why God?" suddenly don't seem as important. It's not easy and I'm not one to shy away from things when they don't make sense but I have to trust in who God says He is. That has to be enough.

And I'm realizing it is.

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.." Ephesians 1:18-19

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

Every year at Christmas, Imago Dei puts on Advent Conspiracy...a re-prioritizing of Christmas that encourages people to get away from the worship of consumerism to the worship of Christ. Instead of spending a lot of money on gifts that people don't really want or need, it is a worship event (NOT fundraiser) that is designed to give to those that need help the most. Likewise, it forces us to detach ourselves from the material element of our society and re-attach ourselves to God and other people.

It clarifies WHOM and HOW we worship.

The important thing to realize is that Advent Conspiracy isn't asking people NOT to buy gifts. To quote from today's bulletin:

"How often have you spent money on Christmas presents for no other reason than obligation? How many times have you received a gift out of that same obligation? Thanks, but no thanks, right? We're asking people to consider spending less this Christmas (maybe buying one less gift). Sounds insignificant, yet many who have taken this small sacrifice have experienced something nothing less than a miracle: They have been more available to celebrate Christ during the advent season.

God's gift to us was a relationship built on love. So it's no wonder why we're drawn to the idea that Christmas should be a time to love our friends and family in the most memorable ways possible. Time is the real gift Christmas offers us, and no matter how hard we look, it can't be found at the mall. Time to make a gift that turns into the next family heirloom. Time to write Mom a letter. Time to take the kids sledding. Time to bake really good cookies and sing really bad Christmas carols. Time to make love visible through relational giving. Sounds a lot better than getting a sweater two sizes too big, right?"

Through last year's giving during Advent Conspiracy, the church was able to SOLVE the water crisis at Mt. Barclay in Liberia and provide clean water, a school for children and implement the teaching of sustainable skills so that single moms would no longer have to resort to prostitution. This is amazing to me!!!!!

Along with global outreach, this year Imago is extending their hand to churches in Portland with the prayer that together we can make a huge impact on one of the darkest cities in the United It is my prayer that you take a few minutes out of your day and visit the Advant Conspiracy website and pray and ask if this is something God is leading you to become part of. Please make sure to watch the video on the opening page as well as the ones shot in Liberia (under 'videos').

They aren't going to know us as Christians just based on things we choose not to do, but rather and more importantly, how we give and love other people.
