Thursday, June 19, 2008


Life, even with its struggles, twists and turns, is a very beautiful thing. Sometimes, I forget that. It's so easy to concentrate on whatever issue is consuming me at the moment that I fail to focus on the greater picture of what God is doing in my life.

If I could describe my current life in a single phrase, it would be "take a deep breath." With my job possibly ending in September, us moving, and Jared trying to get into a studio and go full time with the business, it is so easy for me to get caught up in worry and doubt. I kinda feel like we are standing on the edge of the cliff in "The Last Crusade" where Indiana Jones has to have the faith to step onto the "invisible bridge" in his search for the Holy Grail. He knows it is there and that it will carry him across to the other side but actually taking that plunge is a completely different story.

But then I do a quick time of reflection and I know God is doing a great work in our lives through this trying time. He is growing Jared and I closer to each other and closer to Him and we are realizing that EVERYTHING is from His hand and not of our own accord. Awesome thing to learn. He has us here for a reason and I have to trust in that, even when things don't necessarily make a whole lot of sense.

I think that is the beauty of obedience. If God just wanted to give us something, he would. But instead, I think He loves us so much that is He is far more concerned with the process of growing us into He wants us to be. Is it an intricate and difficult process at times? Absolutely. But it is one I wouldn't change for the world.


Jen said...

I'll be praying for wisdom, peace & clarity as you look into the future's horizon & where & when the Lord will want you to make a step forward. Where might you move?

Brice said...

I heard something awesome this past week. There's that Scripture that talks about the dross being separated from the precious metals during the process of purification by fire. What I hadn't heard before is the idea that God is purifying us (precious metal) through trials (fire) in order that we may be so pure and shiny that His reflection may be seen in us. I just got the greatest mental image when I heard that, and it lends such a wonderful perspective.

I'm keeping you guys in prayer!

Bonnie Kim said...

Glad you're clinging to the eternal promises of God in this confusing time. I know how you feel! Love you!