Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Simply Flipping the Equation...

So....I'm sorry this post is so late. I meant to write it as an immediate follow up to "Crying Out" but as usual, my good intentions always seem to find an escape route.

Since that post I have had a ton of very sweet friends and family either call, email and text and ask if Jared and I were alright.

Yes, Jared and I are okay. In fact, we are better than ever.

I feel like this is the culmination of a two year long journey and am finally at a point where I am ready to brutally honest with myself and with God. If you been keeping up with my blogs (okay, the whole three of them!) lately, I've been so tired of my Christianity being so self-focused. Aren't I made for something else? To be part of a community that reaches out as the loving hands and feet of Jesus Christ in a very practical way? I don't say this as someone else who thinks of them self as better than other Christians, but as someone who has been ignoring the call of the Lord for my own life.

Until now.

There's no more excuses, no more laziness. I want to break fee of this bubble of familiar, self-security to explore just how the Gospel can transform lives and communities here in Portland. I've received the most incredible Biblical foundation at my church but now I feel like it is time to go out and DO something with it.

At communion a couple of Sundays ago (at a church different then we normally attend), I watched as about 7 minority, inner-city high schoolers went up with their Young Life leaders to take communion as a family. Despite the troubled homes and diverse backgrounds of these kids, they circled up, with their arms around each other and partook. It was so beautiful to witness and I remember thinking, "This is what Jesus is talking about. This is a picture of what the church truly is."

I guess I'm just ready to follow and see where God takes us. It's just been so neat to dive into this with Jared. His heart is in the exact spot as mine and I love what we are exploring in our devotion time together. God is truly changing our hearts and growing me in ways that I never would have believed two years ago. I'm almost sick when I look back on my ugliness of being so incredibly judgemental and/or religious toward so much in my life. I feel like God has brought us full circle and it reminds me how God never, ever gives up on us and that there is always beautiful redemption in Jesus.

I would like to finish this blog with this little tidbit from a book entitled, "Quaker Summer" by Lisa Samson. I read it almost a year ago and while I had (again) good intentions of reviewing it for the blog, I never got around to it. I was flipping through it once again a couple of weeks ago and fell upon a passage that couldn't more exactly describe what God is doing in our lives right now.

Let me set this up for you...

Heather Curridge, seems to have everything going for her (great church, loving family, nice SUV and house on the hill) but is secretly falling apart as she realizes she is at a crossroads in her life. She finds herself spending the summer with two elderly Quaker sisters and a nun who runs a crisis center in the rough part of town. In this scene, Heather is talking with one of the Quaker sisters(Liza).

(Liza) "Certainly. So did your church encourage you all to move outward, or was it inwardly focused?

(Heather) "Mostly inward. I did much more for my church members than I did for my neighbors, if that's what you mean."

She places her hand on the doorknob. "Maybe God's simply flipping the equation."

**First of all, I cannot stress ENOUGH that I am in no way implying some underlining or attacking message against a church. I refer to this quick passage because it describes in the most simple and beautiful way what I feel like God is calling us (Jared and I) to do in OUR life.**

It just reminds me of this saying we heard a week ago at Bridgetown Ministries and I pray it stays with me for the rest of my life....

"Don't just go to church...BE the church."

"I praise you Lord for using us and allowing us to grow in a way that brings glory to YOUR name. May we never lose sight of your truth and calling in our lives. Mold us, shape us, and thank you for bestowing upon us these amazing lessons and opportunities for growth...even despite the times we try to get in way."


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